Untitled design 6

Trimley St. Martin, Suffolk

Flagship Housing Developments Ltd

WT Design Ltd

Employer’s Agent, Quantity Surveyor & Principal Designer (Pre-Contract)

Untitled design 7

The project consists of the development of a site in Trimley St. Martin that had planning consent for the construction of 69 new dwellings and access road. The mix of dwellings comprised 23Nr affordable rent, 5Nr shared ownership and 41Nr open market sale tenures.

Oxbury provided Employer's Agent, Quantity Surveying and Principal Designer services, engaging with the design team to prepare pricing and contract documents and managing the tender process.

Our role also extended to post-contract Employers Agent and Quantity Surveying services, which included monitoring the progress of the works and co-ordinating specification uplifts for the shared ownership and open market sale homes and design changes ensuring value for money as well as contract administration duties.

Untitled design 5

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